
My photo
NY, United States
2011S/S start 2011S/S, We start the brand-new collection for lovable ladies with a mind of girl. COLORFUL embroidery,handwork and textiles. LOVE and PEACE for all over the world. They are sweet,soft and feminine...but there is underlying strength. We suggest the sophisticated mixture of NY and TOKYO style. Make up for your basic clothes and express a little bit sexy and feminine style.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Walking heart

still we gotta chilly weather in NYC.
I can not take off my down-coat even april. I fell I won't be able to enjoy spring clothes in future so far.
This morning when I through A post of mail, I met him!
That seems like my heart of the present!
We are going to have a exhibition @ TOKYO - shibuya. However I can't go there this time.
I feel unusually atmosphere.
That's why my heart is like him! Always wanna see people who is so important for me.

Thanks for your support;)

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