
My photo
NY, United States
2011S/S start 2011S/S, We start the brand-new collection for lovable ladies with a mind of girl. COLORFUL embroidery,handwork and textiles. LOVE and PEACE for all over the world. They are sweet,soft and feminine...but there is underlying strength. We suggest the sophisticated mixture of NY and TOKYO style. Make up for your basic clothes and express a little bit sexy and feminine style.

Monday, April 18, 2011

gathering hopes

We gotta really shock news about Fukushima atom stadium.

I have been feeling really sorry since japan got huge earth quick.
Today I just want let people know who is in particularly japan.
In NYC, there are a lot of donation activity for this huge disaster of japan.
Even small store, I could find a donation-box dozens and dozens.
If someone knew, "oh! She  is japanese!"
Spoke to me" how is your family??"
Even I really don't know you they are.
That makes really happy and feeling over!!!
I would love you guys to know a lot of people have bee taking care of japan!

That's really amazing!

I am out of japan, so I would not catch the news what is going on exactly,unfortunately.
If someone think when people read this blog" you don't know anything about this circumstance! Since you are not here!"
Yes, you're definitely right.
But people who are in out of japan, we have been really thinking about that what can we do for our country.

Anyway, I met a lady who is a Japanese-american artist, is going to have a donation event end of this manth.

please go to the web site

Today i just wanted let you know. 
LOVE, HOPE,KINDNESS from all of the world.

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