
My photo
NY, United States
2011S/S start 2011S/S, We start the brand-new collection for lovable ladies with a mind of girl. COLORFUL embroidery,handwork and textiles. LOVE and PEACE for all over the world. They are sweet,soft and feminine...but there is underlying strength. We suggest the sophisticated mixture of NY and TOKYO style. Make up for your basic clothes and express a little bit sexy and feminine style.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How do you enjoy this weather?

It was nice weather NYC this morning. People have stared to wear winter coat but still I feel good just right coat or jacket.
I love this kind of weather because it's really good for dress up to go anywhere.
If I didn't have any work today, I wish I could wear casual knit dress for walking around a park .
We are planing to make knit dress for next season. Please looking forward to it!


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