
My photo
NY, United States
2011S/S start 2011S/S, We start the brand-new collection for lovable ladies with a mind of girl. COLORFUL embroidery,handwork and textiles. LOVE and PEACE for all over the world. They are sweet,soft and feminine...but there is underlying strength. We suggest the sophisticated mixture of NY and TOKYO style. Make up for your basic clothes and express a little bit sexy and feminine style.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

about miusigny staff

 MIHO Creative Director    

某MDアパレルデザイナーを経験した後、2003-08 Ne-net 企画デザインを経て08渡米。
NYで、MARC JACOBS, DEREK LAM, Oscar de la Renta ,Carolina Herrera などの
MIHO was born in Fukui, Japan in 1981, a daughter of two designer parents.
While she was a teenager, her parents sent her to Tokyo where she studied at the BUNKA Fashion College.
MIHO was also a fashion magazine model between the ages of 18 and 20.
After graduation, she worked as a designer at Issey Miyake and A-net.
Later, at Ne-net, MIHO designed, knit, cut and sewed, mostly shoes.
She also designed goods, from bags to textiles, as one of the starting staffers at a new brand.
In April 2007,Miho designed and made wardrobes for “NOU,KYOUGEN” (a Japanese traditional opera)
while at  21_21 Design Sight in Tokyo.
In February 2008,MIHO designed wardrobes for a Valentines event at SALON DU CHOCOLATE in TOKYO. 
In December of 2008, she moved to NY, where she has done design work for Marc Jacobs, Derek Lam, Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera,  and more...
In 2010 she started Miusigny with Yoko. Released its first collection for spling 2011. 

            Kakeru Asai  Marketing Derecter

            NYを拠点にアーティスト活動中。同時にArt Students Leagueに在学中
            11年S/Sより”miusigny" 参加
           Kakeru is Japanese-bron artist, illustrator and photographer grew up in the 
           countryside of Japan called Okazaki.
           He is currently studying fine art at Art Students League of NY ; mainly 
           focusing on sculpture.He was brought up with very high standard of 
           various cultures influenced by his own family members from his early age. 
           Each one of his family members have been engaged with tea party, flower 
           arrangement, painting and music at masterly level.
           Japanese various cultures, he's formed diverse point of views and
           engaged  in art, dance, photographillustrating, graphic-design and
           fashion fields so far.
           He joined Miusigny in fall to 2010.

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