
My photo
NY, United States
2011S/S start 2011S/S, We start the brand-new collection for lovable ladies with a mind of girl. COLORFUL embroidery,handwork and textiles. LOVE and PEACE for all over the world. They are sweet,soft and feminine...but there is underlying strength. We suggest the sophisticated mixture of NY and TOKYO style. Make up for your basic clothes and express a little bit sexy and feminine style.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

that is why...!

oh, That's why I have been feeling so stressed! I may eat too much candies! Oh well...

Friday, June 15, 2012

why complicate life?

I would love to shear this comment from my favorite musician. 
I hope you guys are going to like it.

Sometimes life is like a roller coaster.
There's been a lots of ups and a lots of downs.
But I think ultimately at the end of the day
that's what makes you who you are.

And I also think
we all know how to laugh,
we know how to cry,
we know how to be held tight,
we all know heart break.
But the world keeps moving and we keep moving with it and
everything we experience makes us realize
how beautiful life really is.

Monday, June 11, 2012

After noon tea @ caffe Dante.
81 mcdougul st NY
There is no American coffee here.